Happy New Year!
Welcome to the daily “roll call” post here on the KillTheCan.org blog. Please use this blog post to post your daily promise that you won’t use nicotine in any form including dip, chew, snuff, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars or NRT.
To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: If you’ve never commented on the blog before, your comment may be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped 🙂
Brad 55 – happy New Year – Roll Tide
Day 9 today! Sometimes will get a small craving, some minor spaceyness, otherwise really feeling great! So grateful for another nic-free day.
Day 16 quit!! Feeling fine!! Getting easier by the day, imagine that!!!
Stay strong and quit!!!
Day 1 for me. Really not looking forward to this but the results will be worth the pain. Happy New Year everyone!
day 9,have missed roll call past few days.out on the sick list.today gonna be a tough day but we’ll get through it.i like sparty,ducks,and tide.Happy New Year.
Day 7 still quit nicotene free! Bring it on 2015
Well I’m here fellas. Day 27. I got a new phone and don’t remember my ktc log in. I had ktc saved in my old phone. So i got in I need to go back and figure out my password. Happy new years god bless everyone. And thanks to ktc for a nic free 2015.
Day 24. Happy New Year everyone!! God bless us all this year and help keep us all clean and safe.
Day 51: Didn’t make it to midnight and I didn’t need to sneak around to get a fix. Stay strong everyone and Happy New Year!
You go Ken. Starting your second 50!
Day 36. Overall feeling pretty good still a few cravings here and there but not bad. What a way to bring in the New Year, spending it with wife, kids, and no tobacco. Just waiting to see how the Buckeye game goes tonight. That may be my first test of 2015. Happy New Year to all.
Totally understand your apprehension about tonight. College sports and I go waaaay back. So did Chew. When it gets tense, go for the can. But don’t do it now Eric, be a winner of the field. Win for self and the buckeyes.
Day 30. One month. Hard time, but love being snuff free. At home I’d use a RED PARTY CUP, with paper towels in it as my toon. No more stinky Patry Cup for me. NIC FREE IN 15. For self family and friends.
Congrats on the one month mark. We are all winning this fight together.
Day 27, looks like I’m a day behind Will. Started physical therapy yesterday for my knee replacement from Dec. 9th. What a long damn month. All I can say is I must have really wanted and needed to quit chewing, and its filthy ways about it for a long time. Happy with myself for staying strong, each day without a chew is a huge success and the result is a another WIN !!!. Thanks a lot to all of us for the extra support. What a nice way to start the year, with a Lip that feels good. A body that is much healthier, and family and friends that would not want me to go through cancer due to chewing tobacco. AMEN to that
Have a great day.
Happy New Year