Roll Call For Wednesday August 26th, 2015

Kill The Can Roll is dedicated to helping people quit all forms of smokeless tobacco including dip, chew and SNUS. We believe strongly that the drug NICOTINE is our enemy. Until you are free from the drug that you are addicted to, you cannot be free from your addiction. If you’re looking to quit dipping, we can help. We will not tell you it’s easy. It’s not. Quitting dip may be the most difficult thing you’ll ever do but adding a support system to your quit can be the difference between success and failure. The best quit chewing support group available is the forum.

Roll call on the KTC forums is our DAILY promise that we will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). We don’t worry about the concept of forever.  We quit today and tackle tomorrow when we get there together.

Use this blog post to post your daily promise. Leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.

NOTE: Your comment may be moderated and may take a while to show up.

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  1. Working on day 181, feeling good. Gotta keep it real, have gotten bored with SMC & it isn’t cutting it anymore. Still get the cravings, been sucking on Skittles, seeds, & Teaza for now. Just ordered the the new Absolut snus flavors Chewie reviewed, wanna change it up. I tried Hooch early in my quit, I may give that another shot. Maybe my palate has changed. Lol. I do know this, I will not go back to Apple Skoal. I had my 1st dream about dipping the other night. In the dream I caved & had a dip. I remember being disappointed in myself in the dream. I can only imagine the disappoint I’d have if I really caved. Nicotine is a bitch, but she won’t beat me. Closing in on dah 200. Stay quit my friends.

    • I meant to say my 1st dream in awhile, this was not my 1st dipping dream, far from it.

    • Nice work dan o. I just hit 6 months. I have had a dream here or there. I still get weak consistent urges a few days in a row every now n then. I used cough drops early on. Never one to tell folks what to do but have you considered stopping the fake.?

      • I’m always open to conversations here Greg, no worries. I don’t really use fake dip that much, maybe a few Teazas a day. I really only use SMC if I’m having beers. I had some SMC the other day & it really didn’t do much for me. But it did help get me over that hump early in my quit. I guess I could get rid of the fake dip @ some point, just not sure I’m @ that point yet.

  2. I promise to quit.

  3. Day 288: congratulations on 10 JayB! I quit with you today!

  4. Day 268. She would still want me back, but no way bitch. I quit with all of you today. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.

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