is dedicated to helping people who are trying to quit the habit of chewing or dipping tobacco and to those who have successfully quit. The Community Forum (also known as QSX or Quit Smokeless Extreme) is administered by 7 ex-dippers whose sole goal is to allow people to gain the same freedom from chewing that they have obtained. Any advice given is from personal experience only and should NOT be considered medical advice.
In addition the the main website and the forum, offers real-time live chat. All three are great places to get questions answered when it comes to your quit.
Been trying to quit for about a year now, tried several alternatives and can’t stand the sticky, messy hassle that most of them come with. What’s the closest you guys have seen to the real thing? Have 3 kids and tired of the stresses of a torn up mouth all the time
Mike – it depends on what brand / flavor you’re looking for. That said, I’ve often said that Hooch, Smokey Mountain, Elicit and Holt all have products that are VERY close to the real thing. Here are links to my reviews of those products:
6 times I chose to dip.
I highly recommend that killthecan check out this place. They have a 85% success rate on people who receive only one treatment. And if you feel its not working and as long as you dont use they will give you a second zap for free. I can tell you all that I did not want to quit and still dont want to quit and yet its been a year. Have I slipped? yes I have but the great thing about the tratement is that slipping makes you as sick as that first dip and made me feel like trowning up. This has been the easist way to get over nicotine the oral craving is a little tougher. But if you are someone who truly wants to quit then I highly recomend this and its only $120. Read there site and the testimonals these guys know what they are doing and are very confindent in there system. Also they give a dicounted treatemnt to help combat the weight gain. Check them out.
Thanks for your comment Curtis and congratulations on being “quit” a year. Was there any specific follow up that they company did for you as you were in the 15% that didn’t succeed on their first attempt? How many times in your first year did you “slip”?
I just quit 6 days ago and this is killing me not being able to CHEW! I’m going through some serious withdraws and i’m very angry and pissed off and want to fight everbody that pisses me off! I’ve never had these types of feelings before i quit dipping. Oh man.. I need some serious support. and TIPS? PLEASE!
Thank you,
@Cody – congratulations on a great start to your quit! I can tell you that what you’re experiencing is pretty typical: I’d strongly suggest that you join our forums where there are over 11,000 members who understand what you’re going through. It’s THE best place on the web to get questions answered and the support you need to be successful.
Really, glad I found your site … been dipping on and off for 25 years but since my last deployment overseas I have become more addicted. Now I cannot quit for long periods … I used to be able to keep it something that I only did in the field or when deployed. Now that I am out of the military I find it is my connection to that other part of me that seems so far away in my “normal” back in the world life. That part of it has me thinking that I really don’t want to or can’t quit — your site is giving me hope to realize that I can and must. Years ago I tried smokey mountain chew and it was terrible — always amazed me that you cant make something that just takes the bad stuff out but keeps the taste and feel the same (cherry skoal is my beast). Am thinking of trying again with some new alternatives and mix it to come off gradually that way. Would appreciate any advice you or others have … What is the best alternative to cherry skoal? Does this approach actually work?
@Matt – Glad you found us. The best alternatives to Cherry Skoal (in my opinion) are either Hooch Snuff or Jakes Mint Cherry. Coupons for both available here: I’d urge you to drop all nic as quickly as possible. Until then, you can’t really start healing. We can help!
I’m wanting to quit after 41+ years of chewing/dipping. I’m looking for an alternative chew. I’ve had tobacco in my mouth almost all my waking hours and sometimes while sleeping. I can handle the tobacco part. I can’t handle the emptiness of not chewing on something. I’m checking here for alternatives. I got on the killthecan forum. After listening to a bunch of idiots and having some gator guy kick me out it makes me feel your whole attitude is… never mind. I’ll look somewhere else.
Sorry to hear that Larry…
You can certainly look somewhere else, but I can pretty much guarantee you won’t find what you’re looking for. We tell it like it is. Sometimes it’s difficult to hear but it’s the truth. When you’re ready to quit come on back!
attending college in the south, picked up the habit in my fraternity, and need to stop, want to, but the cravings kick in hard, expecially when I drink. Help, thius habits gotta go.
@Will – we can absolutely help you. Head over to our forums ( where there are nearly 10,000 members who know what you’re going through. I won’t tell you it’ll be easy, but I can tell you it’s TOTALLY worth it!
@Jim – congratulations on the best decision you’ll ever make! Let us know how we can help!
After 20+ years of chewing and numerous attempts to quite I finally quit for good!!! No “fake” chew, no “scaling back”… just decided one day to through the rest of my tin in the garbage and quite FOR GOOD!!!! I was tired of dreaming about dipping and thinking about my next dip and basically rearranging my life around my next dip. It wasn’t easy, but in all honesty it wasn’t all that hard either… MIND OVER MATTER baby!!!!!!! I refuse to let ANYTHING control me – period!!!!!
after 24 years i feel its time to quit this crap. I have managed to get myself down to a can a week so far.