Roll Call For Wednesday July 19th, 2017

Supporting Quitters ShirtsAre you quitting dip? Have you decided to quit chewing tobacco or some other form of smokeless tobacco? When you’ve become sick and tired of being a slave to a little round can in your back pocket can help. Your decision to take back your freedom from spit tobacco is one of the best you will ever make. helps people quit dipping by providing support for quitters. That support is provided by men and women who know what you’re going through because we’ve all been right where you are. Quitting smokeless tobacco isn’t easy and we won’t ever tell you it is. Adding a support system to your quit will greatly increase your chances of success. With over 30,000 registered members, our forums located at offer the best quit dipping support group available today – for FREE! It is the best place on the web to get your questions answered from people who’ve been there before.

Roll call is our DAILY promise that we will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, dip, chew, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

Use this blog post to post your daily promise. Leave a comment below with your forum screen name, your days quit and your quit group.

NOTE: Your comment may be moderated and may take a while to show up.

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  1. Day 40. I quit with all of you today. Look forward not in the past.

  2. Day 48..I quit with all of you today..I thank God for my being able to quit

  3. Day 609. I quit with all of you today.

  4. Day 961. I quit with all of you today. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 17.

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