Roll Call For Monday January 23rd, 2017

KillTheCan USA MapHave you been trying to quit dipping? Are you quitting chewing tobacco, snus or some other form of smokeless tobacco? Congratulations! Your decision to take back your freedom from spit tobacco is one of the best you’ll ever make! helps people quit by providing support from people who understand what you’re going through – we’ve all been right where you are. Quitting isn’t easy and we won’t tell you otherwise. In fact, it may be the most difficult thing you ever do. Adding a support system to your quit will greatly increase your chances of success. The best quitting dip support group available today is on our forums. With over 29,000 registered members it is the best place on the web to get support and questions answered from people who’ve been there before.

Roll call is our DAILY promise that we will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, dip, chew, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

Use this blog post to post your daily promise. Leave a comment below with your forum screen name, your days quit and your quit group.

NOTE: Your comment may be moderated and may take a while to show up.

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  1. Day 8 here it’s gunna suck being quit here come March April when we’re in the fields that’s when your in the office with the grizzly in blaring the radio doing work

  2. 20 days in want a dip bad at the moment but read a couple articles on here and i dont think i need that can after all can a day for 10 years and quit cold turkey. using about a can of smokey mountain fake stuff a week right now but working on weaning off that too without eating the refrigerator HA

  3. Day 206, hard to believe its been so long without a chew. I’m not going to lie I still miss the old Kodiak Bear. I quit with you today.

  4. Made it through the first week.

  5. Day 337. I know I e been quit for awhile because now I subtract 365 from 10 days left in Jan and 28 days in February. In 38 days I’ve made it one year. I’m so proud!!!! I quit with you all today.

  6. Day 784. It sucks to be a fan on the losing side. I do it well snuff free. Here’s to 1 more game, college basketball, and the promise of spring, all snuff free.

  7. Day 804: It’s awesome to watch the games with the family and not try to hide away to put a dip in! I quit with you!

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