Welcome to your freedom from tobacco! KillTheCan.org is dedicated to helping people quit smokeless and spit tobacco in all forms including dip, chew, SNUS and snuff. If you want to quit chewing or dipping we believe we can help. Quitting dip isn’t easy and we won’t suggest otherwise. In fact, it may be the most difficult thing you ever do. Adding a support system to your quit will greatly increase your chances of success. The best quit dipping support system available today is on our forums.
Roll call is our DAILY promise that we will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, dip, chew, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
Use this blog post to post your daily promise. Leave a comment below with your forum screen name, your days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: Your comment may be moderated and may take a while to show up.
Day 13: I quit with all of you. Good luck making it through the weekend everybody.
Day 536: It does get easier but then you got to keep your eye out for the sneaky nic whispers. I quit for 6 years and then fell back into. It is much better to quit and stay away from it.
Big Howard,
Keep that crap out.,I still think about it at 35 but far less than first week. First week just sucks.,, No magical formula. But just one might as well be another 6 months of it. Have to be resigned to leaving it for good.,it’s just not an option or it may really cause harm.
Day 35. Used Easter as a marker. Been close a couple times going to pick up a tin. Guy at gas station still offers me a sleeve. I will wonder how just one would be but I don’t want to go through those first days again. Have blood work Monday for some check up. Want to mark no tobacco. It is helpful knowing there’s a bunch of others battling thru, no question. It’s all on the honor system.
Keep it out gents
Day 34 for me. Getting better everyday; although, I’m chewing an insane amount of gum.
Day 4 and I hope it gets easier from here… I keep telling myself screw it, one more isn’t gna hurt, I can quit later, and I’ll be fine. It’s getting hard. Harder than I thought.
Day 406 and I don’t feel much like dipping today. Guess I’ll be posting here again tomorrow
Day 165 I Quit with all of you today.
From a tin of cope lc wintergreen a day for a year, to 4 days clean. Even though I haven’t been dipping long it still hooked me bad and messed me up. I quit with you guys today! Ktc
Day 516. Yeah Tom. No pinch between your cheek and gum. He’ll they used to advertise Skoal on TV back in the day. I quit with all of you today. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 16.