Welcome to your freedom from tobacco! KillTheCan.org is dedicated to helping people quit smokeless and spit tobacco in all forms including dip, chew, SNUS and snuff. If you want to quit chewing or dipping we believe we can help. Quitting dip isn’t easy and we won’t suggest otherwise. In fact, it may be the most difficult thing you ever do. Adding a support system to your quit will greatly increase your chances of success. The best quit dipping support system available today is on our forums.
Roll call is our DAILY promise that we will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, dip, chew, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
Use this blog post to post your daily promise. Leave a comment below with your forum screen name, your days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: Your comment may be moderated and may take a while to show up.
Day 55. I quit with all of you today.
Day 1, This is hard.
Hang in there man… keep posting those +1s and you’ll get where you want to go!
Day 57, I quit with all of you today.
Day 88. Weekend was challenging.
Day 483. Thanks Kenny. Funeral tomorrow. Long drawn out process. I will remain snuff free. I quit with all of you today. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 16.
Day 132. I quit with all of you today.
I promise to quit.
Day 27 still quit. Haven’t posted in a week or so. Became a new father on 20 March and been busy. I quit when I became sick through a horrible flu virus early this month and now get stronger daily to remain quit after dipping and chewing for 33 years. Have an outstanding quit day!
That’s awesome Hank. Congratulations on tge bew baby! AND your quit after 33 years! Hang in there bud! Day 49 for me. Day 50 will be here in a few minutes.
The new baby
Day 39. I quit with all of you today.
Day 136. I quit with all of you today
Day 503: Thoughts are with your family Rob.
Day 373. The question I need to ask myself today is whether the number 373 is more impressive than overcoming a 19 point deficit in under 10 minutes. I’m going to ponder this & a variety of other numbers all day.