is dedicated to helping people quit all forms of smokeless and spit tobacco including dip, chew, SNUS and snuff. Nicotine is the drug we are addicted to. Until you are free from the drug, you can’t be truly be free from your addiction. If you’re looking to quit dipping can help. Quitting dip isn’t easy. It may be the most difficult thing you ever do. Adding a support system to your quit can be the difference between success and failure. The best quit nicotine support system available is the forum.
Roll call on the forums is our DAILY promise that we will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, dip, chew, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Don’t worry about forever. It’s too big. Quit today and deal with tomorrow when we get there.
Use this blog post to post your daily promise. Leave a comment below with your forum screen name, your days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: Your comment may be moderated and may take a while to show up.
Trying to quit. Help. Tell me how to start.
Welcome aboard… you’re in the right place. Check out our forums at where we’ve got over 25,000 members. It’s the best place on the web to get support and questions answered from people who know what you’re going through. Let us know how we can help – you’re not alone!
Thanks. I drive myself nuts always looking in my mouth for sores n tried to even cut back n switch sides I chew on. Now my mouth feels watery all the time. Whole thing has me going nuts.
Day 14
2 weeks down baby. Keep it goin fellas!
day 89
10 days. Took Wife out for steaks last night with the money I’ve saved. She enjoyed that much more and so did I.
Day 99 Quit Strong
I promise to quit.
Every day for 254 days now. Congrats on 100 tomorrow. Nice work.
Day 358: I quit with you today!
Day 338. I quit with all of you today. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.