is dedicated to helping people quit all forms of smokeless tobacco including dip, chew and SNUS. We believe strongly that the drug NICOTINE is our enemy. Until you are free from the drug that you are addicted to, you cannot be free from your addiction. If you’re looking to quit dipping, we can help. We will not tell you it’s easy. It’s not. Quitting dip may be the most difficult thing you’ll ever do but adding a support system to your quit can be the difference between success and failure. The best quit chewing support group available is the forum.
Roll call on the KTC forums is our DAILY promise that we will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). We don’t worry about the concept of forever. We quit today and tackle tomorrow when we get there together.
Use this blog post to post your daily promise. Leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: Your comment may be moderated and may take a while to show up.
403 with my Nov14 brothers!!
Day 27
59 hours in. I will make it!!!! But it is very very hard
Day 33. Can’t believe I made it this far. Every day is better without nicotine.
I promise to quit.
Day 1 I will not bow to the nicbitch today…. I commit to no dipping today
Day 60! Stay quit with me today.
Day 296: Stay strong
Day 8 – nic free not so great. Thought I was out of the woods but another sleepless anxiety filled night hit me hard. Regardless.. I will stay accountable and get through todsy
Day 276. Damn folks life has a way of throwing curve balls. Don’t let snuff be an out. When things suck, suck it up more. I quit with all of you today. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.