Quitting dip may be the most difficult thing you ever do in your life. And even though we are called Kill The “Can” we realize that our true enemy is the drug itself: NICOTINE. It is an incredibly addictive drug. Adding a support system like our online community to your quit can be the difference between success and failure. Our forums are the biggest and best quit dipping support system available today to allow you continue living nicotine free.
Roll call is your daily promise that you will not use nicotine in any form for that day. It is the cornerstone of our activities at KillTheCan.org and is the reason for our continued growth and success. KillTheCan.org is a 100% nicotine free site. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco (long cut, fine cut, long leaf), SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). We quit one day at a time and worry about the next day when we get there… together.
Will will never tell you quitting dip is easy. But it is 100% possible. We are living proof.
Please use this blog post to post your daily promise.
To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: Comments are moderated for new posters. It may take a while to show up.
ICViking – Day 4 – HOF July 2015: I quit today. See you tomorrow.
Day 108.
Hey Isaac, glad your still hanging with us. 100 just a number.
Day 135 – Working through several things…. and yes the urges are shorter and less frequent but still loom from time to time. I have an interview tomorrow and need to give a presentation in front of a team of strangers. I will not let my subliminal subconscious try to deceive me into needing nicotine. I have this and I will nail this and I don’t need any bullshit worm dirt in my lip to help me be successful. We are all strong men and we were given certain gifts of talent and skill to help us survive, we do not need tobacco to make us successful. I actually had a disturbing dream last night that I was being offered a cigar from my wife and I would not take it even though she said I was already quit and wouldn’t get started again if I had “just one”…. damn that was frustrating!!
I quit with all of you today and will not use nicotine.
The emotional frustrations from those dreams can stay with you a while after waking up. Good luck with the interview. Stand to be seen, Speak to be heard, Sit down eventually to be liked. You’re gonna nail it to the wall.
I know you will kick ass tomorrow! You’ve made it 135 days quitting one of the hardest drugs to stop using. This is going to be nothing…
Day 57. I promise to quit.
Day 51..
Day 86 of my quit I stand with you all
day 85
Day 31, smooth sailing right now
dip free in N C. Congrats on 30. We’re all with you. I told the rest of my family on day 30. My lovely wife was the only that knew before.
RCohan – Day 34 – I quit today. and you…Yes you, over in the corner. Don’t even think about it! We know what you are doing.
Day 30….the accountability of this site has enabled me to succeed. It creates an environment that forces the natural, competitive spirit into play.
FJD , congrats on 30. This site was my savior.
Day 161: It does it easier still a few bumps in the road, but picking up steam! Stay strong and I quit with you today.
Day 140.I’m soon looking at 1.5 HOF. This is still rough, but also so much easier. For all my brothers out there , stay strong and free. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.