Quitting dip is difficult. In fact, it may be the most difficult thing you ever do in your life. Adding a support system to your quit can be the difference between success and failure. The best support system available today for someone looking to quit dipping is the KillTheCan.org online forum.
Roll call is the most important thing we do at KillTheCan.org and is the reason for our continued success. Roll call at KTC is simple. It is your daily promise that you will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy. We don’t worry about the “forever”. We quit for today. We’ll worry about tomorrow when we get there.
Please use this blog post to post your daily promise.
To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: Your comment may be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped but it may take a while to show up.
Day 83. Was craving for a few days. Hadn’t happened in a while but can handle easier now than a couple months ago.
Day 60, glad to be nic free today
Impressive. Keep it going.
Day 85 of my quit, life is good! After watching my son put the poison in his mouth repeatedly yesterday, I realized how I must have looked the same way. So thankful to be free and saving money rather than give it to the executioners at the big tobacco companies.
Day 6. Stay strong folks.
Day 35 of my quit I will stand with all of you
Day 110: it is still snowing! I can’t wait for spring.
Day 89. March 1st and snowing again. Drive to work is going to suck,AGAIN. But I’ll to it tobacco free. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.
Day 5 and staying strong. Thanks for all the support!
Keep up the great work Don!