Roll Call For Friday March 13th, 2015

Kill The Can Roll CallNicotine is an incredibly addictive drug. Even though we are called “KillTheCan” we realize that our true enemey is the drug itself: NICOTINE.  Quitting dip may be the most difficult thing you ever do in your life. Adding a support system such as the online forum to your quit can be the difference between success and failure. Our forums are the best (and biggest) quit dipping support system available today.

Roll call is the cornerstone of our activities at and is the reason for our continued growth and success. Roll call at KTC is simple.  It is your daily promise that you will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy. We quit for today.  We’ll worry about tomorrow when we get there.

Please use this blog post to post your daily promise.

To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.

NOTE: Comments are moderated for new posters. It may take a while to show up.

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  1. Made it through day 6! if I can make it through tomorrow im really feeling good about this!!

  2. Day 96 – Another great day to throw away a perfectly good empty bottle or can and not use it to spit into. Great Job Peter, congratulations on your HOF milestone you helped my quit!! thank you!!

  3. day 46. good test today- 70 deg day drinking and bball tourney watching!

  4. Day 18. Keep up the god work folks.

  5. Day 6. Congrats Peter. Cant wait till till thats me at 100 days!

  6. Day 68, great job Peter

  7. Day 72, congrats all. Day by day will beat this!

  8. Day 12. Congrats Peter

  9. Day 100. Hard to believe that today has arrived. Thanks to all you other quitters. Without you I couldn’t have done it. This fight still will go on…stay quit my friends. Have a great weekend.

  10. Day 47 of my quit enjoying freedom

  11. Day 17 – Congrats Peter.

  12. Day101. Congrats Peter, you made it also. But I’m sure your like me and realize this is just a number and that we have to be like the rest of our quit brothers and take this one day even one minute at a time. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.

  13. Day 122: Congratulations to Peter! Great job at taking it one day at a time. Let see 200!

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