Roll call is the most important thing we do at and is the reason for our continued success. Roll call at KTC is simple. It is your daily promise that you will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy. We don’t worry about the “forever”. We quit for today. We’ll worry about tomorrow when we get there. Please use this blog post to post your daily promise.
To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: Your comment may be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped but it may take a while to show up.
Day 12. After a week of difficulty sleeping, I’m now feeling really tired the last few days….ugh
Day 23. Every day is a little easier. NIC FREE IN 2015
Day 36 quit. No nicotine today!!
Thnx Ken
Day 37
someone needs to start a site to help peeps quit the fake shit
Keep using it if it helps you stay away from the real stuff. After awhile you will get over it. Before I found this site I was wetting down coffee grounds and dipping that! I was searching for coffee pouches and came across Chewie’s Grind review. I bought 3 tins when I was around Day 30 or so. I still have 1/2 a can left. I was using the heck out of it in the beginning.
You’re doing great in your quit!
Day 62 – TGIF, I will not use nicotine today! Son told me he quit, I found his stash this week and called him out. I will continue to pray for him and help him in anyway I can. Watching him now and seeing all the spittoons hidden around his room, tobacco flakes all over the seats and inside the console of the his car, and not to mention the spit down the side of his car door, really makes me so glad I don’t live like that anymore. Stay Strong Quit Brotha’s!!
33 here, good job everyone!
Day 65…each day I find it easier to say no to nicotine. I enjoy not having to make sure I have enough tins to last the weekend. I love not having to look at my family and lie to them. I love not worrying when will I get that next fix, I love waking up and my mouth not feeling like sandpaper. I will continue to stay quit. Enjoy your weekend.
Day 66, a pair of 6’s but this ain’t no porker game. I choose to stay quit with all of you. For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.
This marks day 12 still fighting
Keep fighting, it gets better.
Day 37, glad to be here. Happy nic free Friday!
You’re doing awesome. I quit with you today Bryan
Day 87: Feeling great! I’m no longer listening for foot steps towards my office anymore (so I’d have time to spit my pouch out). Stay strong everyone!
Ken its, time to get excited about 100. Less than 2 weeks. Feb 19. Big Day. Plan to celebrate.
Thinking of taking the wife and daughter out for dinner that night. Thanks for the support Rob!
Day 72, staying strong staying quit. A friend of mine has attempted to quit chewing two times during this time span and failed each. I tell him about this site and how it has helped me but wont look. When he really wants to quit he will. Thanks for all the help it means a lot.
You got this Erik!