Roll Call For Friday February 20th, 2015

Kill The Can Roll CallQuitting dip is difficult. In fact, it may be the most difficult thing you ever do in your life. Adding a support system to your quit can be the difference between success and failure. The best support system available today for someone looking to quit dipping is the online forum.

Roll call is the most important thing we do at and is the reason for our continued success. Roll call at KTC is simple.  It is your daily promise that you will not use nicotine in any form for that day. This includes all forms of smokeless tobacco, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy. We don’t worry about the “forever”.  We quit for today.  We’ll worry about tomorrow when we get there.  Please use this blog post to post your daily promise.

To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.

NOTE: Your comment may be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped but it may take a while to show up.

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  1. Day 47. Seems like mid afternoon I get the cravings the most. Fuck that shit. Can’t stop me now. I am finished with you bitch!

  2. Day 79…stay quit my friends and enjoy your weekend.

  3. Day 47, all is great.

  4. Day 48, We got this! Winter is stupid.

  5. John
    Day 26 of my quit its 2 degrees out but it’s a great day my feet touched the ground

  6. Day 5. Can’t stop thinking ’bout it. Miss the flavor. Miss the spit. I STILL QUIT!!! 🙂

    • Stay quit Trey. Don’t spit in front of that lady you admire. No spitoon for you ever again.

    • Day 51: We all miss it, but we all hate it too. I think about it at least ever 5 minutes… Unless I’m running/working out.
      Be stronger- think about the shit you hate about it- the control it has over you. Guarantee you Mom hates it and every other girl you’re around.
      Chew is worthless. Is every other guy on this site stronger then you? Be more competitive about your quit and win one day at a time.
      Stay strong everyone!

    • nice work trey, you made it thru those first couple days. buy some fake stuff. the flavor and consistency will surprise you. the smokeless alternative reviews on main site that chewie does are pretty informative too.

      day 25

      • I ordered some TeaZa, probably won’t get here for a while. I can do it. Definitely realize the control it had over me (staying up late for a late night dip).

  7. Day 101: I had a crave last night, a quick little thought saying “Good job on 100, wouldn’t a nice dip top off the celebration nicely?” Pop went that thought bubble. Sometimes the urge or crave sneaks up on you, but the further you are from your day 1 it gets easier to pop those thought bubbles. Keep posting your promise and stay strong. I quit with you all today!

  8. Dsy80. Don’t ever believe you have this. The NIC bitch is just that. Awoke with an urge today, but will fight it. Colder than shit, and working 15th straight day.HELP! For self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.

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