Roll Call For Wednesday December 24th, 2014

Kill The Can Roll CallWelcome to the daily “roll call” post here on the blog. Please use this blog post to post your daily promise that you won’t use nicotine in any form including dip, chew, snuff, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars or NRT.

To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.

NOTE: If you’ve never commented on the blog before, your comment may be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped 🙂

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  1. Day 1. Took my last dip out at 8 PM last night. Now 12:16 PM here. Foggy but thankful to start the healing process.

  2. Working on day 2 without Kodiak. Sleep, going the bathroom, and not thinking about it is tough. Gotta get through this.

  3. Day 27 – remember scrambling for a spit bottle and finding that one under the seat that was at least a week old? Yea, don’t miss that smell one bit!

  4. Day 16….Merry Christmas everyone. Blessings to all.

  5. Morning guys on this beautiful dip free Christmas Eve. You guys are truly amazing with y’all’s caring confidant words. Gob bless all of you. This will be my first holiday with out my mom. She passed just 9 weeks ago. Then yesterday we had a new little girl in the family. My younger sister had her first baby. So emotion filled holiday. But nic free thanks to you guys.

  6. Day 21…Merry Christmas! Enjoy the holidays tobacco free!

  7. Day 43: may your day be merry and dip free.

  8. 16. Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Thank you Chewie for having this site. May God continue to give us all the strength to continue fighting and encouraging one another.

  9. Day 19. My dad’s birthday. A dip would be normal about now. 3:30 Montana time. To damn early. Wish you all a merry Christmas glad to be on the mend, instead of behind it.
    Today I absolutely refuse to poison my mouth with chewing tobacco
    Merry Christmas to you all

  10. Day 28. Its hard to believe its been four full weeks. The cravings come and go but they are bearable. Starting to realize that there are no small acomplishments in this fight, all are big. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and stays strong.

  11. Day23. Christmas eve. May it be blessed for all. I have to work today, 5 am until ?. After that on vacation for 11 days. Mornings still rough but I am winning.Thanks to all of you and this site to help make me stronger. For self, family and friends. Have a wonderful Christmas Day.

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