Roll Call For Tuesday December 30th, 2014

KillTheCan Roll CallWelcome to the daily “roll call” post here on the blog. Please use this blog post to post your daily promise that you won’t use nicotine in any form including dip, chew, snuff, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars or NRT.

To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.

NOTE: If you’ve never commented on the blog before, your comment may be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped 🙂

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  1. Day 7 today, first full week! Feeling much better today, more energy and a better mood. Really grateful for another nic-free day!

  2. Day 14!! Never again!

  3. Day 6 still quit and promise no nicotine!

  4. Day 22. Hang in there Rob like you have been. Good luck everyone.

  5. Day 27…I will not use tobacco today.

  6. Day 49: I went out to clear off the snow this morning and I forgot to put in a grind. I didn’t even notice until I was almost done! It wasn’t to long ago that I would pack my lip and take my time doing the task, just to get a good fix in before coffee. Stay strong everyone.

  7. Day 29. Rough day yesterday because two things I enjoy most, cooking an WVU football wereally happening. Would always.have a rub in. WI’ll beat this for self family and friends. NIC FREE IN 15.

  8. Day 34. I promise not to use tobacco or nicotine today.

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