Welcome to the daily “roll call” post here on the KillTheCan.org blog. Please use this blog post to post your daily promise that you won’t use nicotine in any form including dip, chew, snuff, SNUS, cigarettes, cigars or NRT.
To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: If you’ve never commented on the blog before, your comment may be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped 🙂
Day 49 – Make it a Great Day
Day 3. A bit less foggy this morning. A little less annoyed. NO energy at all.
Day #2 and no chew! Sitting here with my 3 boys and its starting to really drive me mad but I feel more empowered the stop letting this shit control me! Stay strong!!!
Day 4…
Day 20, keeping it strong and not looking back.
day 4.
Day 51. Not so bad! Saved $114 bucks. BYAH!
18 and life to go. Stay strong everyone.
Day 18.
Day 8. I’m having some cravings, gaining weight as well but who cares. Never thought I’d ever go this long. Thanks for inspiring me.
Keep it up Pelly!! You are doing great, and who cares about the weight gain, you can always loose it when you have gotten past the worst of the quit.
Dat 45: I’m still having the occasional craving, but not too bad. Keep strong everyone and have a great day!
Day 25. Urges still strong in the morning.I have to beat them everyday. Had family for dinner and loved it. They know they are the reason. For self family and friends.
Day 30. One full month very proud of this accomplishment.