Welcome to the daily “roll call” post here on the blog. Please use this blog post to post your daily promise that you won’t use nicotine in any form including dip, chew, snuff, cigarettes, cigars or NRT.
To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
NOTE: If you’ve never commented on the blog before, your comment will be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped 🙂
Day 11. Pretty late on the post….means I’ve been busy with no time to dip!!
Checking before I go to bed. Early morning! Just keep posting Pete.This is hard to beat but beatable.
Just read peters morning desire to dip. I just remind myself that this feeling of an urge to dip will pass. When the urge starts, look at the time and see how long it takes for the desire to pass. I have done this last time I was trying to quit this addiction. the urges will diminish unless you go back to reason you wanted to quit. Hang in there,and stay strong.
I wish you all a great day
Day 11. Have a good weekend all. Stay quit!!
Day 14. Doing good. Seeds working great for physical urges. Erik try seeds man. No dip brother real or fake. Congrats to all my fellow quitters!
Day 16. It is getting much better but this morning was a real struggle. I had some major urges this mornings…probably because it is Friday and I would really enjoy dipping during work looking forward to this weekend. I have tried to quit 2 other times and only lasted 3 to 4 weeks. This is different.
Day 13 and trying to keep the things that stress me out at a distance. This time of year can be so stressful on a family especially when the kids are grown and work has become a PITA. I will keep tobacco/nicotine free!
Day 18 and plugging along. Still have desires but sure that will last awhile. For self family and friends. Will beat this monster.
Good Morning; Glad I am at day 14 instead of 2 or 1. Thankful I made it through the 37 years of chewing tobacco without cancer, or my face being reconstructed. I have tried to quit with out the use of fake chew, and it sucked. I usually would go for 3 months, and then go back. Last time I smoked a pipe from time to time, and still went back to the chew. This quit time i will stay with fake chew for a month or maybe 2, and stay away from all tobacco products.
Today, I choose not to chew tobacco, I know the cravings will pass.
Way to go Guy, this is your quit!!
Day 23: wish I would not have used Smokey MT over weekend, has brought back strong urges. Just need to keep grinding, they will pass
Stay strong Erik.
Day 39: last day of going to work for the year. I plan on staying busy, surround myself with family, and stay quit.
Enjoy the holidays Ken. Must be nice having that time off. Stay strong and chew free.
Thanks Rob. Hope you have a great holiday season as well. I really enjoy the extra time every year. I spend two solid weeks with my daughter. It almost offsets the time that I spend at work all summer.