The forums are experiencing issues this morning. Until the forums are back up, feel free to use this blog post to post your daily promise.
To post roll, simply leave a comment below with your forum screen name, days quit and your quit group.
We’ve opened up a support ticket with our host and will update this post as more info becomes available.
NOTE: If you’ve never commented on the blog before, your comment will be moderated. Don’t worry… you didn’t get bumped 🙂
Update November 17th – 1:45 PM
Our forum host ZetaBoard has been hit with a major DDOS (denial of service) attack. They’re working through the issue but it’s slow going. At this point some of you may be able to access the forums but some may see some slowness (or it may still be down due to cache issues). They’re working with providers to see if they can speed up how quickly things are re-cached.
This outage is NOT specific to but all ZetaBoard clients.
Day one, brand new here not exactly sure how to use the site. Shaky hands, having trouble seeing, anxiety. Need some help
Frazz – 1415
Bignate76 153
Nolaq – Day 1,708
Other Life day 10. Feb. 15 quit group. Not feeling strong today, but I still stand on my commitment.
RandyS – 95 with Nov 14
RandyS – 95
Quitter123. Quit with KTC today!!
DennyX 1258 days of sweet sweet FREEDOM!!!!
Lighty 184
Corn 370
Uplandbird 348 I quit today
Kevinsready2quit- May 2014- day 299 almost on the third floor!!!!!!
QuitInCA – Day 71
jwright – 78
Grady 209. I’m having forum withdrawals here, WTF?
Ripcityhuskyfan – day 8
Zeno 781 quit! with the Jan. 13 Jackwagins and all of you.
man have we herd any thing yet? by my count we are gettin on to 8 hours out. its pritty oveous that not evry buddy has blog roll on there mind.
MatVol – 90 w/ Nov ’14
1053 qlfedd
1035 for Ranger5 …. aint got time fo dis
jabr Day 96 w Nov ’14
CosmoFrapper-Day 29-quit for my future.
jal0315 – day 87
inidaho -112
Feburary 2015 (group)
Jdaley25- Day 9- success
Dumpo – Day 76 – December 2014
Lao day 105
Jhawth25- Day 642. With Masters of the Universe
Elpollo – 104
chewbacc5 – 98 days with November Stone Cold Quitters
W2Q- 922 August 2012
Danojeno – Day 142 and Day 72 ACQ
RusOhio, day 47
Roy – Day 99 – with the Stone Cold (Bad Ass) Quitters of Nov 2014
Day 78- Joseph_Kickass- Quit with my December bros and sisters
BKMCINTY – day 91
Klark 1853
Xct84 – 275. May 2014.
Aqualuke – Day 81. December 2014 HOF group
Menace -363- FFFoQ
JACK FROG (November 2014) Day 89
Mike Land -724- Mad Men of March March 2013
whsii 1193 – Quit!
855/103 I will quit for today with my October 2012 Madmen and Women….Thank You!!
Josepi Titans of Quit Day 117
Sh4string 393 (January 2014) quit with the killers.
Doc Chewfree 285
Dave 1903 389 (February 2014)